Yoga Teacher Training
“Thank you for motivating me and reaffirming my love for yoga. Thank you for being beautiful and resilient and serving people that don’t yet understand their capacity for change and inspiration. I am forever changed by this experience, and ready to live the life I love because you taught me that no one can get in the way but me. I have continued to find healing and endless love throughout my journey.”
~ Jill I.
“I didn’t realize just how spiritual yoga really is. This training was a lot of work, good work, my brain feels alive and I got my money’s worth! I look forward to entering my life again and letting go of things, living in the moment, and finding my purpose”
~ Dana D.
We've Trained Thousands of Yoga Instructors
“Marianne’s morning practices are out of this world! I finally experienced what postures should feel like, and SAVASANA! wow! Marianne is a Savasana master, she brings you deep. I am grateful I received adjustments, something I do not receive in my classes back home. I am grateful I know how and why to adjusts others, and I will! People need to be touched, Marianne’s guidance in touching others helped me feel very comfortable and very confident. I am a psychologist, and the parallels between the sutras and psychology surprised me. I knew nothing about the chakras, doshas, koshas, mudras, mantras, before this training. I absolutely learn about these, also how they relate to the asanas, pranayama, meditation. I am grateful to be a part of the Marianne – Iyengar – Desikachar lineage. I am most grateful for the personal growth I received and a connection with my spirituality. I have a better understanding of others, which will help me professionally. I no longer will ever ask myself, “am I living my best life” I AM Thank you Marianne and Ron, I had no idea how much I would learn and how pleasant of an experience this would be.”
~ Jeannie K.
Our Yoga Teacher Training is Second to None
“It was so nice to gain a real understanding of the different types of yoga, and at the same time learn how to teach them. How Marianne instructs people to move from their center into proper alignment is amazing to witness. She’s a talking poet guiding people into posture forms. I have never been to a class where the teacher is mindful of the persons injuries and considerate of traumas. Marianne teaches with so much love! I am so grateful I understand the energy connection to nature. Anatomy the Marianne way! How the sutras apply to my life. This training not only prepared me to teach yoga, it also healed me as a person so I can shine my light on others. This entire training is on point from start to finish. I am honored to be a student of Marianne, and the lineage of Iyengar and Desikachar. I will forever cherish this wisdom in my heart.”
~ Ada D.
“I now understand the importance of maintaining a personal practice while you teach others. I particularly liked how Marianne was always brining us back to neutral, leading us throughout transitions, and guiding us all at a different time and at the same time, she is a master gem to say the least! I appreciate learning how all this applies to my life. I am a better person for it. Thank you most for creating a environment that we all can feel safe and thrive in! Thank you for the breath anatomy lessons. Thank you for teaching me about my body and mind. Thank you for teaching me how to think! Something I was never taught about before. I really appreciate your life’s wisdom, learning from your stories helped me so much with my personal life story! I am happy and surprised that I feel so comfortable to teach. I have such an appreciation of the human body and mind, and how it works. I recognize the importance of self care in my own life.”
~ Laura M.
“I now have a great perspective on the subject of yoga!! The importance of movement in the morning. An understanding just how simple and yet difficult change is. Marianne taught me acceptance, and how to fine peace in life’s situations. Yes, I learned how to teach asana, the benefits of pranayama, the healing meditation can bring. For me, what was most important was learning the benefits of yoga mindfulness. I was so surprised that I experienced such a deep and profound healing. I read about the power of the mind, but I was always stuck (and I did not even know it). Marianne’s lessons brought me to a place of healing childhood traumas that were buried deep. I now feel that I can accomplish anything in my life. I can’t wait to go home and begin the rest of my life! I will not let life get in the way, I will live life and love life! To say that this training is well though-out is an understatement. Both Marianne and Ron have spent their lives together dedicated to this experience for all of us. It is beautiful. Sign up! You will be very happy you did.”
~ Kelly M.
“Thank you for motivating me and reconfirming my life’s plan. Thank you for being so beautiful, resilient and serving people that don’t even understand their capacity for change and inspiration. Thank you for your selflessness, and your resilience. I am forever changed and ready to live the life I love because you taught me that no one can get in the way but me. I will continue finding healing and endless love.”
~ Cat. K.
“I LOVED our morning practices! Marianne is so poetic with her words and a master at weaving postures together, especially Savasana! The SPINE SPINE SPINE! I had so much un-learning to do after this training. Ron is extremely knowledgable in anatomy and Marianne has a way of making it all sound so simple and doable. Finding out that my dog has cancer and only a few weeks to live while in training, I found great comfort in the philosophical teaching of yoga. Accepting what I cannot change, and living in the present. Marianne and Ron are beautiful role models in working through their own grief. To have love a son so dearly and lost him so suddenly, and share all their journey from grief to peace with all of us is truly a blessing to behold.”
~ Dana S.
“Marianne is so thoughtful in how she crafted all the unique energy experiences. I was always into flow yoga, I can’t wait to teach more unique and traditionally with an open heart the way Marianne does. I feel i have everything I need to teach yoga to others. Marianne and Ron have provided me with everything I need to weave the philosophy, anatomy, energies, and layers together. I am SO excited to go home and begin! I cried more than I thought (good crying) My heart was cracked wide open and I am so grateful for the friendships that will last a lifetime, including Marianne and Ron!”
~ Natalie V.
“I will never look at yoga the same way again! I have already begun to incorporate these teaching into my life and I will continue to help other heal through your methods. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Marianne and Ron, you are two angels. Your passion and dedication to change the lives of all around you is evident. I have never been more inspired in my life! I will remember these two weeks for the rest of my life. This training was thoughtfully crafted, loving, challenging, and full of eye opening wisdom. You both embody grace, discipline, laughter, and love.”
~ Erin S.
“Thank you! I loved every moment!”
~ Meghan M.
“I choose this training because of Marianne’s philosophy “I guarantee I will teach you how to teach anybody and everybody at the same time with great success.” For me, the anatomy was the best part of training! I loved learning how anatomy applies to the postures. Ron did a great job presenting a intricate subject in a very understandable way. I feel better in my own body now as a result of all I learned. Thank you for everything! Your passion really shows in your teaching!”
~ Kylie M.
“I have gone through a lot of shit, and even though I’ve been wanting to change, I had no idea on how to do it. This training completely opened me up to emotions that were so deep down buried, and emotions that I was not even aware of. I am forever grateful for all that I learned, experienced, and for Marianne’s huge loving and empathetic heart. I feel light and brighter than I have in many years… Yoga has always been an escape and stress relief for me. Now yoga is everything together, breath, enlightenment, surrender, etc. I know I have tons more work to do to process all that I have been holding onto, but now I know I have all the tools I need to love my life, and accept my life, and let go of all that no longer serves me.”
~ Sarah M.
“I am so amazed at how much I learned in just two weeks! I feel fully prepared to teach. I have a great understanding of proper anatomical alignment, how to reduce and enhance postures, how the sutras are the foundation of all this. My biggest surprise was just how pleasant this experience was, I really do wish it never ended!!! There was no competition, so much love, and support from the teachers and everyone else. I can’t wait to take the 300 YTT!!!”
~ xoxo
“Being a doctor of chiropractic I know the body very well, but learning how to breath with adjustments was extremely helpful. I have so much respect for Marianne teachings! She is a master at guiding how to get into a pose and how to exit a posture. Marianne understands the spin very well, and her purposeful teaching and creative activities have given me more clarity. Before this trining I only took hot yoga, I am very grateful that I learned from Marianne how to “talk yoga” the way she spoke throughout leading practice was a true gift! I’ve never experiences this skill before. I felt grounded in my physical body and spiritual all at the same time. Most of all, thank you for teaching us “baby-boomers” exactly what Really Real Yoga® is!!! I know I will be processing this training for the rest of my life, and I feel so happy in my heart that I know what to do and how to do it. Marianne, I can’t thank you enough for changing my life, and for all the shifts yet to be. I am so grateful for all you give, and who you are, and hope that one day you have your “fantasy yoga studio” With all my love.”
~ Corey N.
“Yoga and Ayurveda was really confusing for me before this 200 hour yoga teacher training. Now I realize just how easy it is to bring and keep these sacred teachings in my life! There were two days in training that I was a little sad because I learned just how much I was harming my body, and in a way my mind. Then the last few days of training I felt so clean, clear, happy, and present! The teaching of yoga and Ayurveda are so applicable. My biggest surprise was just how much I learned about anatomy and alignment. My life is forever changed! Daily yoga is now a part of my everyday. Marianne and Ron you are great!!”
~ Sam P.
“I knew nothing and now I know a lot… Asanas are a small part of yoga. Yoga can be taught to anybody and everybody at the same time. The lineage of yoga, and the history of yoga needs to be preserved or it will fade away. Never teach asana until you have a good understanding of how the body works. Never say “energy” 🙂 until you know what you are talking about from experience. Be yourself. Be kind. Show up in this world and live your life’s purpose!!! I am so ready!!! Thank you Marianne and Ron!!!”
~ Matt L.
“I have sooo much clarification now! Anatomy workshops helped bring understanding of exactly how the body works and why asanas are so important. I can easily say that you packed so much wisdom into 14 days I have a great grasp on what it means to live the yoga lifestyle. Sturas and meditation were by far my favorite parts of this training. The experiences you created helped me respect the culture and philosophy of yoga beyond the “trend” that is it. I wish more teachers were as informed as you guys are. Attention to details, mind opening, and my biggest surprise finding out things about myself that I never knew. Now I am aware and I can take all your teaching with me into my life and my teachings – I want to teach now more than ever! Really Real Yoga® because what you teach is different from all of the yoga I’ve been exposed to in London. Thank you for this experience, truly enlightening, I’m so happy I chose your school!”
~ Tracy H.
“I was surprised how comfortable I was with Marianne and Ron from the very beginning. I came with a lot of fear. I love how Ron presented the sutras. I now have a better understanding of what they are and how they easily can be a part of my beliefs. Learning the layers and levels of asanas was extremely eye opening and mind blowing. What don’t teachers teach this way? I will never forget Marianne’s love and brightness, and Ron’s wisdom and humor. I have never heard my own name as much as I did in this training, and I have never been hugged as much as I have in this training. I have the confidence to teach right away after training, and I am. Choosing this school was defiantly the right choice for me, and I will recommend this school to anyone who asks. Thank you so much for being authentic, and full of love for all of us! It was just the right mix of what I needed. Your wisdom inspired me greatly.”
~ Linda C
“I appreciate your language / words, how important they are, and what a big difference they made in the experience of the practice.”
~ Lisa A.
“Marianne teaches with attention to guidance and love. In the morning practices I learned what Really Real Yoga® is and gained a whole new awareness of what a great yoga teacher is, as well as better awareness of my body, mind, soul. Thanks to Ron and his anatomy workshops, I now have a great awareness of how to fit asana to the student. The sutras made an impact in my life. I love love love Marianne’s creativity with all the energy layers of our being!!! Chanting and meditations were especially awesome. I now realize how yoga is more than fancy poses and that anyone and everyone can do yoga. I now have the tools and the inner strength to sink deeper into my passion and inner life. Marianne has an incredible devotion to her craft and her life’s calling, I am grateful for Marianne showing up in my life when she did! My biggest surprise was how much love and connection I felt. I not only feel ready to teach yoga, I will bring this back into my nursing nd be a better nurse. I’ve never considered myself a religious or even spiritual person before, I now realize that I am deeply spiritual, and that is a good feeling! Marianne & Ron thank you for your love and devotion, the love you both have for each other and all has brought back hope into my life. This course is open and aware, and a gift for anyone!”
~ Tami S.
“I really liked learning where the muscles and bones connect and how this relates to physical body movement. As a medical student I came into this training with basic anatomy understanding, all the workshops helped me learn more about anatomical connections. I really like how we all came into community so easily and so fast, every moment of everyday was happy and exciting, I can’t remember the last time I laughed (and cried) so much! I loved the creativity behind some of the workshops, really helped me in bring the teachings to life. I loved Ayurveda lessons the most!! I’m seriously considering changing from Internal Medicine to Functional Medicine. The most eye opening for me was Marianne’s ability to seamlessly bring alignment into everyone body in asana, even with all the issues the human body has. Two weeks of yoga that is right for my body type, I am returning home feeling better than ever before. I have learned to accept myself fully. I am grateful for my choices because of what I have learned from them. I feel confident to love myself more and m life more. Everything was well organized. I am so impressed and appreciate everything! Thank you!”
~ Addison F.
“I love the way anatomy was presented! It really helped me put it all together. I love the way yoga philosophy was presented! Especially the real life stories that were in direct relation to what was being taught. The chakra activities were engaging and help me bring the whole training into focus. I understand now HOW yoga is a way of living. Learning the WHY behind the asanas, the history and origin was fascinating. This experience is the start of my for real yoga lifestyle. I really don’t have the words to describe it’s impact in my life, just know that my life is forever changed for the better. Thank you for teaching me how to prevent injuries in yoga. This training opened my eyes to a new perspective on life. How to live happy and intentionally, and approach yoga as so much more than asana. I know now how to move forward in my life (I’ve been stuck for many years now). This training was a very effective one for me, and I know the others as well.”
~ Catherine D.
“I love how the morning practices were structured. Especially how Marianne effortlessly brought light to modern yoga today and how it is void of the greatness of yoga’s traditions. I felt the anatomy prepared you to teach asana, pranayama, meditation very well, and how all the systems relate to the methods of yoga. I was not expecting spiritual growth, and yoga as a way of life in the mind. I had no idea that the sensations felt in practice could possibly be the energies, and I especially love that Marianne and Ron have the wisdom to guide us though our sensations. I am so grateful I’ve been taught how to teach to the student!!! How to talk about the posture for 30 each!!! And that all roads lead to RESTORATIVE YOGA aka “Radical Relaxation” The biggest surprise for me was spiritually and learning how to live the yoga life. I’ve learn how to LIVE in this training. This experience has already changed my life. We are the creators of our own destiny and happiness. The yoga lifestyle provides the ultimate achievement of a fruitful, satisfying, and wonderful life. I know now what I believe and how to live my karma. This training was absolutely amazing and I would not change a thing! Thank you for your time and for caring about my experience. Thank you for creating such an authentic program, and safe environment. I know that what you are doing is bringing so much love, joy, peace, into this world. Thank you!”
~ Natalie S.
“Yoga philosophy is what my heart & soul have been looking for since my spiritual awakening. It aligns with ALL of my core values of the physical life and the earth we reside upon, and my understanding of spirituality has developed! Yoga is a philosophy. A way of life. This training has prepared me to teach myself how to teach others. Thank you both from the depths of my being. For sharing the knowledge and bettering our beautiful world. I will always have hope ♥️”
~ Karen Y.
“This journey was remarkable. My biggest highlight was growing closer to God- I never prayed so much or had so many times that I heard him talking to me. This was truly life changing.”
~ Kathie C.
“These practices helped assist in physical, mental, and spiritual healing. I was so surprised by the community that was built and all of the bullshit that I was able to let go of.”
~ Jennifer T.
“I appreciated the experience of “focused practice. I was challenged in every area of my life- physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually, and spiritually. I go forward with a deeper understanding of myself in each of these areas as a result of accepting the challenge. The chakras were always mystical experiences for me. Completely unexpected!”
~ Sarah P.